Saturday, July 19, 2008

Headlamp Horsetooth Sandbagging.

After a scorching Fort Collins day, I met up with Cameron and Brandon for some afternoon/evening bouldering up at Horsetooth. While I was playing around on the Ship's Prow, an errant pebble came streaming down from the top of the ridge. "Yea, let's not throw rocks guys, thanks" immediatedly emminated from my lips. When another rock, strategicly aimed, came heading in my direction, I was already almost around the prow when my stern look turned to laughter as I found myself staring down Cameron.

A quick couple of laps on Finger Ripper and the problem left of it inspired me to actually attempt the Gill Reach. I had pulled into the bomber under-cling jug before, but had never felt confident enough to make the big move to the huge lip. Upon watching Cameron dynamically solve the problem, I couldn't help but give it a go. While it is by no means the hardest problem I've done (especially with monkey-like arms) having the confidence to pull through that move was inspiring and (as with all my Gill FA's) I had to thank the man when all was said and done. Again, thank you John Gill!

A short jaunt down the hill and we found ourselves at the Right Eliminator where Brandon sent Right Eliminator Standard for the first time and I saw Cameron procure some of the most interesting beta for Right Eliminator Left. After popping off of the big move on the Right Eliminator Prow, I stuck the move the second time but couldn't for the life of me remember how to top out the problem.

Down at the Punk Rock, I found myself in a similar situation. I just couldn't finish out through the sloper slots (I'm going to blame it on the heat . . . sorry Sherman). Cameron trashed his tips a few times on the Kelley traverse and Brandon gave Punk Rock an equal amount of worthy efforts. Punk Rock was being its usual punk self, leaving us with sore tips and slightly deflated.

The headlamps came out for our efforts on the Mental Block (my favorite boulder at Horsetooth). I will say, gear related, that I thought my Black Diamond lantern would come in handy, as it had for a few camping meals. While it could have been that it wasn't fully charged, I don't think that piece of equipment will come in handy for much more than a midnight snack in the woods or a light for reading in the tent. We all played around on Standard and Cameron and I started trying to campus the problem as our energy was fading. A few minutes later we found ourselves hiking out; sore tips, bruised egos, and a smile on our face. It was a good night.

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